Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Why I'm Starting a Blog

I guess that's the big question.  Why?  Well, because I'm finding the interaction between career and parenthood to be difficult, interesting, stressful, etc. etc.  What better way to get it all out of my head than to put it all on a blog sending it out over the internets for all to see?

Here's my background.  I'm a 42, almost 43, year old mother, wife and lawyer.  My daughter is soon to be 4 years old and there are days, like today, where she tests my every bit of patience.  There are others when I can't imagine being away from her for even a second, again like today.  My husband is quite a bit older than me and our daughter is his second child.  We don't have much contact with his son, in part because he's made the choice not to fight for it.  I wish we saw him more but you take what life hands you and life has handed us very little time.  My job is incredible and it is terrible.  I've been a lawyer for very close to 20 years now, practicing criminal defense.  I've practiced every area of criminal defense, from misdemeanors to felonies to juveniles.  Right now, my primary focus is juveniles and very serious felonies.

So as this blog develops, I will post about my life, my loves, my heart aches and anything else that pops up on my radar.  That's the benefit of a blog.  I can post what I want.

I will start at the beginning.  I met my husband through my job.  We represented co-defendants in a first degree murder case.  About 6 months after we started dating, I was diagnosed with cervical cancer.  I went through tons of stress and had a medical procedure.  Afterwards, I was told that it'd be virtually impossible for me to get pregnant.  You all can see the writing on the wall now, I am sure.  My husband proposed to me a few months later.  Less than 2 months after that, I had the worst stomach flu ever.  After a week of puking my guts out, I realized I was feeling worse and my period was late.  4 positive tests later, I finally believed I was pregnant.  And that was the start of it all.

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